The triumph of big government

The world this week

  • Politics
  • Business
  • KAL’s cartoon


Bureaucracy unbound

The world is entering a new era of big government

How should classical liberals respond?

Barbarians at the garden gate

Hostility towards private equity’s push into property is misguided

Big investors are filling a gap in the market

The next Afghanistan

How not to lose the war on terror in Africa

To prevail against jihadists in the Sahel the West must learn from past mistakes

From role-model to cautionary tale

Chile’s voters are on the verge of a terrible mistake

Two extremists are leading in the polls for this week’s presidential election

The future of the internet

Don’t mock the metaverse

The metaverse is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed


On vaccine passports, maths, Western Sahara, climate change, Joe Biden, French acronyms

Letters to the editor


A hard trend to buck

Governments are not going to stop getting bigger

Some factors which drive the process are eternal and some are getting stronger


Economic & financial indicators