United States | Clairvoyant cartel

A pilgrimage to the mecca of mediumship

Mediums engage in anti-competitive behaviour, too

Rows of empty benches in front of Forest Temple at Lily Dale, where an outdoor service will be given
Image: Alamy
|Lily Dale, New York

The gathering is like an auction crossed with a game of Mad Libs. Up steps a medium, mic in hand. Visions appear to her: the first, she says, is an old woman with a spinal deformity who liked caring for kids. The medium asks whether anyone recognises the spirit; a hand shoots up. “Know that she’s proud of you and wants you to treat yourself more!” Applause, then a second apparition, whom someone else recognises.

This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline “Clairvoyant cartel”

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