What to read to understand journalism
Four non-fiction books and one novel about the essence and ethics of the trade
HOLLYWOOD MAKES a lot of films about Hollywood. For similar reasons journalists write a lot of books about journalism. Film-makers and journalists are often reflective folk, for example. Although they explore distant terrain, their native ground is also fascinating. Fewer people may read books about journalism than watch movies about movies, but the trade has a glamour and importance that make it of interest to a wide public. Unsurprisingly, the number of candidates for a recommendation list such as this is large. Our selection thus excludes many very good books. We’ve gone for variety. Our recommended reads include a self-lacerating essay, a couple of memoirs, a novel and a collection of “gonzo” stories, which are not strictly speaking about journalism but invite readers to ponder the craft.
The Economist reads October 7th 2023
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