In the West, China holds growing sway over Chinese-language media
WeChat is helping to amplify the Communist Party’s voice
IN 2019, AT a conference in China of Chinese-language media firms from around the world, a senior official deviated from his script to make his point clear. It was, he said, the “duty and mission” of such firms to help “retransmit” news from China’s state-controlled press at “important times”. But the more than 400 delegates from over 60 countries, including America, Australia, Britain and Canada, would have needed no reminding. Their presence itself was a sign that China had already succeeded in bringing much of the world’s Chinese-language media under its thumb. Widespread use of WeChat, a censored Chinese social-media platform, is helping it shut out those that are not.
This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline “Black, white and red all over”
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