Business | Welcome to the green swamp

America’s $800bn climate splurge is feeding a new lobbying ecosystem

A new breed of advisers is helping corporate supplicants get their share

Illustration: George Wylesol
|Washington, DC

DAVID, WHO runs a well-trafficked shoe-shine stand at a huge convention centre just outside Washington, was in a good mood as he surveyed the delegates at a recent event there. They were attending the ARPA-E summit, an annual pow-wow put on by the Department of Energy (DoE), and were tipping well. A few weeks earlier, when Donald Trump spoke at that same venue at a gathering of conservative Republicans, David was forced to shut down his stand and lost business. It is not his only grumble about Mr Trump: “When he ran for office he promised to drain the swamp, but he turned out to be the biggest crocodile of them all.”

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This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline “Welcome to the green swamp”

Riding high: The lessons of America’s astonishing economy

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