Narendra Modi has seized and politicised Indian cricket
India dominates the sport. The way it uses its power is worrying
“Cricket is an Indian game accidentally discovered by the English.” The first line of Ashis Nandy’s “The Tao of Cricket”, published more than 30 years ago, seems truer than ever. India is hosting the quadrennial Cricket World Cup, which begins on October 5th, as by far the dominant power in the world’s second-biggest game by viewership (after football). The sport is increasingly run according to the demands of Indian administrators, whether in India or the dozen-odd other countries where it is a front-rank pursuit. They are backed by the revenues generated by India’s vast, cricket-mad TV audience. The six-week-long cricket World Cup, which will see the world’s ten strongest national sides compete in the one-day format of the game, may be the richest, most watched and also the most overtly politicised ever held.
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This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the headline “Cricket as power”
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