What has four stomachs and could change the world?
Technology is transforming cattle farming, but not fast enough
The immigrants Europe quietly wants more of
Without foreign farm workers the EU’s berries would go unplucked
Finance & economics
EU handouts have long been wasteful. Now they must be fixed
New research highlights their failures
The world’s next food superpower
Farming in India should be about profits and productivity, not poverty
Science & technology
New crop-spraying technologies are more efficient than ever
Pesticide use could be cut by up to 90%
DIY landmine-clearing is putting Ukrainian farmers in danger
Licensed deminers are swamped and farmers want to sow
Europe’s grumpy farmers are a symptom of wider malaise
Farmers are not the only ones resisting modernity
German farmers and train drivers are scaring the country’s bosses
The country’s industrial relations are being tested like never before
1843 magazine | The Dutch farmers’ revolt
Can they convert protest to power at the general election?
The Economist explains
What is America’s farm bill, and why does it matter?
It has transformed the agriculture industry and given millions of Americans food security
Russia is attacking Ukraine’s agricultural exports
It is blowing up both the facilities used to ship food out and the deal that grants it safe passage
Finance & economics
India’s journey from agricultural basket case to breadbasket
Technology and market forces are overcoming the heavy hand of the state
The longed-for transformation of English farming isn’t happening
The green revolution that failed